
Thursday 15 June 2017

Happy Thursday Parents!

We only have ONE day left in third grade! We began our day today with our regular morning meeting, students have mentioned how they are going to miss the morning meetings and time we have been able to share together each morning.

We then worked on a super secret Father's Day activity! Students brought them home tonight-Don't open until Sunday!

We then had time to complete another super-secret end of the year task! Students wrote special notes to teachers or staff in the school that have made a difference for them this year and then they personally delivered them! The teachers and other staff members were so happy that they were recognized!

After French we had more time to work on super-secret Father's Day surprises!

We ended the day with music, and gym before kiss and ride!

Important Reminders:

  • Tomorrow is the last day of school! It is a full day (3:45 end time)
  • Tomorrow is house colours day! (show your support on this last spirit day of the year!) 

Have an amazing night!
Ms. Glover