Saturday 27 May 2017

Happy Weekend Parents!

I hope you are all relaxing and enjoying some time off! Yesterday we had a great day in Grade 3! Many of our students were away due to track and we missed them so much! We began our day with math games on the tablets (the students always love the tablets!).

We then had time in music with all of the grade 3's together!

After lunch, recess, and French we spent time working on our Persuasive speeches and then the class had time in-class to work on reading comprehension work with a leveled reader.

After second lunch and recess we had our spelling test before working on some mindfulness activities. Students learned what is meant by having a fixed mindset (I cant do this attitude) versus a growth mindset (I can do anything attitude). We had some roll playing activities where students learned to translate their automatic fixed responses into a growth mindset attitude. I am hoping as they transition into Grade 4 next year they will all remember how incredibly capable they are and remain the confident students that they have become.

We ended the day with a dance party when our track friends got back before agendas and kiss and ride!

Important Information:

  • Math worksheet sent home 
  • Information for June Aftercare sent home 
  • Sign and Return Spelling Test 
  • Summative Information (topic and inquiry research done for Monday)

Have a wonderful evening!
Ms. Glover